

Our Qualified Engineers in Mechanical, Civil and Safety Engineers with all their necessary Computer systems and draftsmen

Highly experienced operations manager responsible for planning and execution of all steel fabrications activities accordance with the design, fabrication and erection of Structural steel for building. Procurement of long –lead items, material and consumables which is specified by the client or as required by contract specification and standard. Appraisal of vendors such as companied providing materials and consumables to ensure that we will have an effective quality and high quality products.

Ideal Metallic Const. Ind. LLC management mainly concerns Satisfaction, Quality Control and Safety to personnel and equipments.Our company success are its stringent quality assurance program, outstanding safety record planning organization and scheduling that allow to be completed on specified plant shutdown. The company and its personnel have a long outstanding safety record for over 15 years of construction works, utilizing more than 50 craftsmen in critical work areas without any serious accidents or safety violations. Rules, permits, sign and other safeguards do not in themselves create a safe environment. It is the responsibility of management to set, publicize and enforce the standards of loss prevention within a company.

Ideal Metallic Const. Ind. LLC have the experience the design, fabrication and erection using hot and cold rolled sections presents an overview that has also served as the guide line and procedure in structural steel works. Various projects had been carried our successfully and we have continued to improve and update our procedure to suit present demands.

Ideal Metallic has simplified procedure as follows.

Planning and review: Review of contracting documents, design requirements and approved fabrication drawing in order to identify defects and problems which might come up on the production process or during erection.

Fabrication & Cutting: Materials are to be properly laid out and clearly marked for cutting and assembly, heat numbers are to be transferred to each cut pieces if required. Bolt holes are to be the center-punched by drilling machines.

Assembling & fittings: Pre-cut materials such as stiffeners, gusset plates, end plates and base plates will be assembled and fitted. We are employing qualified weld tuckers and fitters for these purposes. Inspection of assembled materials prior to releasing is necessary to avoid errors. This is usually done under the supervision of workshop supervisor.

Welding: Assembled materials for joint welding should be cleaned, and edge preparation to be checked as per approved code. Welding equipments suitable for the process maintained properly to ensure repeatable high quality work.

Inspection & Testing: Inspection and testing is carried out by a selected Ideal Metallic Const. Ind. LLC personal and an approved vendor with certification when required. All welds shall be visually inspected and measured as necessary.

Sand Blasting & Painting: The ultimate integrity of any coating depends on proper surface preparation.

Painting application will depend upon contract requirement for minimum thickness of each coat an approved formulated paint product must be agreed upon prior to initiation of the paint process. Application of the primary coat immediately after sand blasting is necessary to prevent of the clean metal surface. Each successive coating is applied at the optimum thickness in accordance with the rigid production standards.

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): As per some special specifications of Projects, non-destructive Testing might be required. Welding- All welded tank contraction has to be tested to ensure that the fabrication was executed according till its design requirement and service ability.

All fabricated items are to be carefully sorted and grouped for stacking and loading: small items such as clip angles, bolts etc. are tied or packed in cartons or cans to avoid losses. Fabricated beams and columns are to be laid on the truck bed with wooden seats and necessary supports to avoid distortion during transportation. Protection on steel such as rags under steel chains and nylon belts are finally used as strapping

Materials delivered on site are again sorted for installation, prior to erection, all anchor bolts if any are to be finally checked and marked for setting elevation of column bases. Columns are then erected, plumbed and braced properly. Beams and girders which then follows are installed and bolted or welded in place are required. Final bolt tighting to the required torque is executed for all bolted connection using calibrated wrenches and required. Paint touch up using approved paint then follows.

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